5 Day Tennessee vs Oklahoma Game and Tour
Price for this Tour
Single: $1,350
Twin: $1,150
Triple: $1,050
4 Meal Included
Additional Information
Tour# 24022
*Does not include game tickets
September 19-23, 2024
Overnight Stops
Conway, AR
Oklahoma City, OK (2)
Conway, AR
Tour Highlights
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
Free time shopping in Bricktown
Dinner included at Cattleman’s
Photo stop at Oklahoma Capitol
Transportation to Sooners Stadium
Visit Oklahoma City National Memorial
If you would like to make a reservation for this tour, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.
Important Information
*If your tour travels outside the U.S. and/or involves cruise or air, we must have your full name as it appears on birth certificate, passport and/or driver license with photo.
*Please do not change boarding point without notifying ahead of time.
*See General Info page for required deposit amounts.
*If you wish to use a credit card, after submitting your reservation, we will contact you by phone regarding credit card information.